Change Theme

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You can change the theme of this website to suit your tastes.

We used to offer three basic color themes as well as a 4th of July theme for the site.  Just for fun.

We don't have time to maintain them all during this pandemic, so they are being retired until further notice.  We hope to bring them back eventually or at least for some holidays.

Screenshots of our previous theme options

The screenshots are based on an old version of our site but they give you an idea of the options we used to offer.

White Theme
(the usual default)

White Theme

Black Theme
(original site theme)

Black Theme

Neutral Theme
(does not render well on some laptops or very old desktop monitors)

Neutral Theme

Red, White and Blue Theme
(4h of July)

Red White and Blue Theme


Reminder: you need to have cookies enabled to use these themes.