HIPAA Compliant Email Service Providers

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We do not provide HIPAA compliant email services but there are many service providers whose email services are compatible with our hosting.

Medical professionals who use email to transmit any of their patient information need to be sure they are only doing so in compliance with HIPAA.

None of the email services we provide, not even our encrypted email, is HIPAA compliant.

There are a number of service providers whose HIPAA compliant email services are compatible with our hosting.  Basically, any email service provider who allows you to simply redirect the MX records for your domain to their servers is compatible with our hosting.  If you are a domain and hosting client, we will help update your MX records for you so you don't have to worry about technical stuff like that.

One Domain, One Email Service Provider

It is important to understand that the email for any one domain can only go to one place.  This means if you want to use your domain with a HIPAA compliant email service provider, you can't also use the email service that comes with your hosting.  It's always one domain = one email service provider.  If you want to use the email that comes with your hosting and you still want HIPAA compliant email as well, you can either purchase a second domain for the HIPAA compliant email or use the domain provided by the service provider.  For example, MD Office Mail will let you use the mdofficemail.com domain to set up HIPAA compliant email addresses when you use their service (conditional on the availability of the address you want to use).

One Option for HIPAA Compliant Email

Please note: The listing of any options on this page only indicates that these service providers have indicated they provide compatible services.  We are not officially endorsing or guaranteeing these services, which are provided by independent companies.

First, you should register your domain name with us and get your hosting setup before signing up for the additional email services.

Once your hosting is setup, you can sign up for HIPAA compliant Email, Legal Archive, or other services from MD Office Mail by going to:
MD Office Mail Sign Up

Their sign up form is good at walking you through all the options and adds up the cost as you go.  The pricing they offer is very competitive.  You will usually start out by creating a master account with them that manages your billing and all of the mailboxes/addresses you create with them.

When signing up for their services, there are 2 very important options to check.  The first is to check the box for "HIPAA Compliant Email."  The second is to be sure to select "I want to transfer Mx records of my domain" if you want to use your domain email for the addresses.  Keep in mind that this will disable the mail features that come with your hosting.  If you want to use the mdofficemail.com domain instead, just choose that option.  See image below.

MD Office Mail sign up screen shot

You will also need to enter your domain name on that screen.

If you are a client of ours and need help signing up for these services, please contact us for assistance.

One More Option

A second option is a company we are less familiar with but who also seems to offer compatible HIPAA compliant services.  We have never used this company so we cannot provide guidance on sign up options but if you want a second email service option you can check out the HIPAA compliant email services from 4securemail.